Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jingle Bells-Solo Violin

This video will help the following students:

Emily M., Kate T., Jake N., Emma N., Ben, Dillon, Amelia, Madison, Emma E., Cady, Emily F., Bella, Chris, Jacob, Kate L., Nini, & Kennedy. When you watch, be careful to pay attention the bowing (a few cookie bows & circle bows) and string crossings. When you play along with the video, play quiet enough that you can still hear the video along with your own violin at the same time to help play together. If you make mistakes and fall behind, no worries, just turn the video off, practice slowly by yourself, then try again with the video the next day! Good luck! Sorry the video is bad quality, it's the only way I could get it to load properly on my computer, I'll try and get the other videos a little less grainy!

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